How to Customize WordPress Comment Notifications to a Specific Email Address

By default, WordPress sends comment notifications to the email address of the site administrator. While this works for many, there are cases where you may want to direct these notifications to a different email address, such as a support team or a specific person in charge of moderating comments. This can be especially useful for larger websites or blogs where comment moderation is handled by multiple team members or a specific department.

In this article, we’ll explore how you can easily change the email address for WordPress comment notifications using a simple code snippet. We’ll also provide a step-by-step guide on where and how to add this code to your WordPress site.

Why Customize Comment Notification Emails?

Customizing comment notification emails can be beneficial in several scenarios:

  1. Dedicated Moderation Team: If you have a dedicated team responsible for moderating comments, sending notifications directly to them ensures a faster response time.
  2. Enhanced Workflow: Redirecting notifications to a specific email helps streamline communication, making it easier to manage comments.
  3. Multiple Stakeholders: If your site has multiple authors or editors, you may want to notify them specifically about comments on their posts.

How to Set Comment Notifications to a Custom Email Address

To change the email address for comment notifications in WordPress, we’ll use the comment_notification_recipients filter. This filter allows us to modify the list of email addresses that receive comment notifications. Here’s how to implement this in your WordPress site.

Step 1: Add the Code Snippet

To change the comment notification email, add the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file or create a custom plugin:

function custom_comment_notification_email( $emails, $comment_id ) {
    // Set the custom notification email address
    $custom_email = '[email protected]';
    // Return the custom email in an array format
    return array( $custom_email );
add_filter( 'comment_notification_recipients', 'custom_comment_notification_email', 10, 2 );

Explanation of the Code:

  • comment_notification_recipients: This WordPress filter allows you to modify the email recipients for comment notifications.
  • $emails: The default array of email addresses that would receive notifications.
  • $comment_id: The ID of the comment triggering the notification.
  • $custom_email: Replace [email protected] with the email address you want to receive notifications.

This snippet effectively overrides the default email recipient for comment notifications, ensuring that all notifications are sent to the specified email address.

Step 2: Choose Where to Add the Code

You have a few options for where to add the code snippet:

  1. Theme’s functions.php File:
    • Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
    • Navigate to Appearance > Theme Editor.
    • Open the functions.php file of your active theme and paste the code snippet at the bottom.
      Note: Be careful when editing the functions.php file. A small mistake can cause your site to break. Always create a backup before making any changes.
  2. Create a Site-Specific Plugin:
    • This is a safer option and ensures that your changes won’t be lost when you update your theme.
    • Create a new folder in wp-content/plugins/ named custom-notification-email.
    • Inside this folder, create a file named custom-notification-email.php.
    • Paste the code snippet into this file and save it.
    • Activate the plugin from the WordPress Dashboard under Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  3. Use a Code Snippet Plugin:
    • If you prefer not to edit files directly, you can use a plugin like Code Snippets.
    • Install and activate the plugin.
    • Go to Snippets > Add New in your WordPress Dashboard.
    • Paste the code snippet, name your snippet, and save it.


By implementing this simple code snippet, you can easily customize the recipient of comment notifications in WordPress. Whether you want to redirect these notifications to a dedicated moderator, a team email, or any other address, this solution provides a flexible and straightforward approach to managing your site’s comments.

By following the steps outlined above, you can enhance your website’s workflow and ensure that the right people are notified whenever a new comment is posted.

Feel free to modify the email address in the code to suit your needs, and enjoy a more tailored WordPress experience!

Additional Tips

  • Always test the code snippet on a staging site before deploying it to your live website to ensure it works correctly.
  • If you manage multiple websites, consider creating a reusable plugin that you can activate across all your sites.
  • Remember to keep your WordPress theme and plugins up to date to avoid compatibility issues.

With this simple customization, you can make your WordPress site’s comment management more efficient and tailored to your team’s needs!